Thorkil Johansen +45 4070 6547
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IT specialist søger nyt job pr. 13. september 2021
Første dag i nyt job hos BIWise pr. 13. september 2021
Den 1. september 2018 valgte jeg at gå på efterløn.
Jeg har nydt friheden og fritiden til fulde, men nu kunne jeg godt tænke mig et fuldtidsjob igen.
Og hvilke opgaver kunne jeg så tænkes at bidrage til? Det skal jo nok helst være noget med en ikke al for lang tidshorisont. Min alder taget i betragtning.
Jeg er sund og rask og helt sikker på, at jeg kan indgå 100 procent -- også i et ungt team.
Det kan være som fastansat eller som konsulent. Rejseaktivitet er o.k.
Se detaljeret profil på LinkedIn:
Et gammelt system skal erstattes med en ny løsning. Jeg analyserer og beskriver. Udarbejder projektplan og forestår flytning af data.
Data Warehouse
Alle de gængse discipliner i relation til Microsoft og/eller SAS
Konvertering af Domino
Jeg kan trække hvilke som helst data ud af en Notes-database og samle dem igen i en SQL-database. Om nødvendigt kan jeg bygge ny web-løsning på Notes-data.
Konvertering af SAS
Jeg kan omlægge gamle, traditionelle SAS-løsninger til mere moderne systemer.
Hvis systemerne skal gennemses og vurderes, eller der skal ryddes ud i værktøjer, sprog og metoder, så
bidrager jeg gerne.
Vejledning af lærlinge
Vil I vise omverdenen, at I bidrager til at nye generationer også får en uddannelse? I så fald har jeg
erfaring i at vejlede trainees og datafagteknikere.
IT Specialist looking for a new job per September 13th, 2021
First day in new job at BIWise - September 13th 2021
September the 1st. 2018 I opted for early retirement.
I have enjoyed my freedom and free time to the utmost, but now I would like a full-time job again.
And what tasks could I possibly contribute to? It should most likely be something with a not too long horizon, considering my age.
I am healthy and well and I am absolutely sure that I can be 100 percent part of a team -- including a young team.
It might be as a regular employee or as a consultant. Travel activity is ok.
See detailed profile on LinkedIn:
An old system needs to be moved to a new solution. I analyze and document, prepare project plan and is in charge of moving data.
Data Warehouse
All the usual disciplines related to Microsoft and/or SAS.
Domino conversion
I can extract any kind of data from a Notes database and put them into a SQL database. If needed, I can build a new web solution on top of Notes data.
SAS Conversion
I can replace old-fashion SAS solutions with more modern systems.
If systems need to be reviewed or tools, languages and methods need to be cleaned up, I will be happy to contribute.
Trainee Guidance
Do you want to show the community that you contribute to educating the new generations? If that is the case i have experience guiding trainees in data techniques.
CV - Thorkil Johansen, UK
CV - Thorkil Johansen, DK
Tillad mig at afslutte med den anbefaling jeg fik fra en af mine chefer i Nordea:
"I’ve heard the phrase “fast learner” used during many interviews. Perhaps today it’s completely reasonable and maybe even expected people will describe themselves that way.
However what we truly expect are people that will make our business better; smarter products, happier customers and so on. Problem solvers - intelligent, experienced and motivated people that deliver as individuals and in a team. Slightly cliché, but true.
So this is precisely what struck me with Thorkil; someone that [didn’t say it, but] lives up to the motto of fast learner by backing it up with the skill and confidence to take on problems and solve them. Data Warehouse design problems. User experience problems. Data architecture and governance problems. From a single user trying to query for the first time, all the way up to the role a DW plays in modern organizations. It was this rare drive to learn, understand and make better that left an impression.
Thorkil, it was truly a pleasure working with you and I sincerely appreciated having someone that could challenge the status quo, but more importantly, you took it upon yourself to solve things. You were an asset to the team, just as I know you will be in future endeavors. Best of luck. "
//David Rassool